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COW Students Gain Lifesaving Skills at Lexington Fire Department Field Trip

LEXINGTON, Va., July 3, 2024—COW Student Field Trip Students in the 38th annual College Orientation Workshop (COW) visited the Lexington Fire Department last Saturday. The visit was one of the field trips for the month-long COW program that brings minority male high school students from across the country to Virginia Military Institute where they receive physical and safety training and take academic and character-building classes.

The News-Gazette

AT UPPER LEFT, a member of the fire department guides three COW students as they handle a fire hose. AT LOWER LEFT, a student practices chest compressions on a CPR dummy, part of a CPR and first aid training. ABOVE, a student in full firefighting gear maneuvers through a simulated entanglement. BELOW, two COW students use a fireman’s axe to practice breaking through a door in case of fire. (Anneliese Schneider photos)

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